Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sex and the Coincidence

I was watching Sex and the City and I usually love Carries commentary and the girls' adventures. Usually the banter and lives they lead are exciting but not necessarily my idea of my life. I don't plan on dating half of Manhattan, I sure would love to live there though.
I heard a quote from one of the episodes "Ex and the City" and I liked it. It was talking about how Carrie was devastated over seeing her ex "Big" getting married to this younger, twiggy looking girl. She is wondering what it is! Why did this happen? Why do I feel this way? Around the table sharing cosmopolitans (their drink of choice) the girls declare "Hubble" "Hubble!" Samantha doesn't know what the hell "Hubble" is (or rather WHO he is). It is explained that he is a character from the movie "The Way we Were". The man, Hubble, breaks up with his girlfriend and gets married and after all is said and done, he meets up with Katie again. She tells him his girl is nice and leaves "the way they were".
I won't account for were the coincidence lies because that is not that point. The quote at the end of the episode made it for me though.

Carrie: "Ladies, I'm having an epiphany. The world is made up of two types of women. The simple girls and the Katie girls. I'm a Katie girl." Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone -- just as wild -- to run with.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Interesting way to look at it

I think it is a great thing when someone can take a situation and capture a beautiful thing out of the ugly; the gentle out of a tough situation. I found this picture and it really touched me because it spoke of a different side to the story. We all have a myriad of side to us. Sides that aren't always so obvious to the casual passer-by.

This is one of the few things that make me smile when I think of war.


So I needed a change, MySpace is getting to be a little too much (shallow) drama for this girl. Need a place to create, reinvent, express, vent. I am Katie; Katy by some, Kitten to others, but I am Katie on the dotted line. Artistic expression and originality, love and passion are the basic structure to this life. They are the things that construct this foundation of a life I have begun. Photography is my chosen method of expression and validating the life around me and what I see. The weapon I use to shoot and capture the thoughts and views I see is my very minor, yet versatile Olympus. It serves me well for the time being.
I live to experience.
I need to travel more of the world. When I went to New York city the desire turned to a passion and a driving force that directs my very soul to these paths of thought and creativity. Passion of life and expression drive me.